Luther, Benedict XVI and the Transubstantiation


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

“Elisabetta Piqué, “La Nación”:

First of all, congratulations on the trip. We know that you are the Pope, but there is also Pope Benedict, the Pope Emeritus. Recently there have been rumours, a statement by the Prefect of the Papal Household, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, supposedly saying that there is a shared Petrine ministry – unless I am mistaken – with an active Pope and a contemplative one. Are there two Popes?
Pope Francis:
There was a time in the Church when there were three of them! I haven’t read that statement because I haven’t had time. Benedict is the Pope emeritus. He said very clearly on 11 February when he tendered his resignation as of the following 28 February, that he was going to withdraw in order to help the Church with prayer. Benedict is in the monastery and he is praying. I have been to see him many times, or spoken with him by telephone… The other day he wrote me a little letter – he still signs with that signature of his- … it is a grace to have a wise “grandfather” at home. … For me he is the Pope emeritus the one who watches my shoulders and my back with his prayers. I never forget the talk he gave to us Cardinals that 28 February: “One of you certainly will be my successor. I promise my obedience”. And he did. … this great man of prayer and of courage who is the Pope emeritus (not the second Pope!)… that he is faithful to his word and is a man of God. He is very intelligent and for me he is the wise grandfather in the house at home”. (Press conference during the return flight from Armenia, June 26th 2016)

Eucharistomen”, bring us to that reality of gratitude and to that new dimension that Christ has given us. He transmuted his cross, the suffering and all the evil of the world into gratitude and so in blessing. And fundamentally He has transubstantiated the life and the world, giving us every day, the Bread of real life, that goes beyond the world thanks to the power of His love”. “At the end – Benedict XVI concluded – we want to be part in this ‘gratitude’ of our God, and so to really receive the newness of life and help the transubstantiation of the world: may it not be a world of death but a world of life, a world in which love has overcome death.” (Benedict XVI, June 29th 2016,

“When the Mass will be destroyed, I think that the Popery we will overwhelmed with it! The whole Popery indeed is built upon the Mass, as upon a rock, with its monasteries, bishop’s palaces, colleges, altars, ministries and doctrines… and leans on it with its whole weight. All this will necessarily collapse when their sacrilegious and abominable Mass will collapse. … The Pope, the cardinals and the mob that idolizes and sanctifies him, should be arrested as blasphemers, and their tongue torn out from the deep of their throat, and all of them nailed in line to the gallows” (Martin Luther “Contra Henricum, Regem Angliae”, 1522, Wittenberg, Werke, t. X, pg. 220)

“Don’t you think that Christ, drunk, having drank too much at the Last Supper, has bewildered His disciples with his empty prattling?”  (Martin Luther, quotation from F. Brentano, Martinho Luthero, Ed. Vecchi, Rio de Janeiro 1956, pg. 135)

Christ committed adultery first of all with the woman at the well of Jacob about whom St. John wrote: “In that moment His Disceples came and were astounded that He was speaking with a woman. No one however asked Him: “What you want from her?” or “Why are you speaking with her?” After that, was the time of Mary Magdalene, and then with the woman caught red-handed in adultery whom He dismissed so kindly. Thus, even Christ, who was so righteous, has been guilty of fornication before dying(Cfr. Martin Luther, Tischredden, Weimar edition, n° 1472, vol. II, pg. 107)


B) References to Scriptures:

“For that reason, my dear friends, have nothing to do with the worship of false gods. I am talking to you as sensible people; weigh up for yourselves what I have to say. The blessing-cup, which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of Christ; and the loaf of bread which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of Christ? And as there is one loaf, so we, although there are many of us, are one single body, for we all share in the one loaf.”  (1Co 10:14-17)

“Therefore anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily is answerable for the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone is to examine himself and only then eat of the bread or drink from the cup; because a person who eats and drinks without recognising the body is eating and drinking his own condemnation.”  (1Co 11:27-29)


C) Comment:

Bergoglio glorifies Luther, and describes him as a “medicine” for the church, and he is preparing to honor him, so that Protestants can, with full rights, be embarked in his new false world “religion”, that embraces all the heretics, those who do not believe in the Only True Religion wanted and revealed by the Father, that in His Son’s Sacrifice of death and resurrection is fully manifested.

However, Benedict XVI doesn’t like Bergoglio’s project. Benedict XVI, after having imprudently abandoned the boat while it was relentlessly sinking down (overwhelmed by the waves of scandals), is now in the situation of powerlessly seeing the boat that Bergoglio and his friends have definitively destroyed, having disowned the true Christian teachings and Christ’s salvific sacrifice.

Benedict XVI has got back to speaking officially in public. Just a few words, but all centered on a topic: the Transubstantiation. The Eucharistic Mystery of the Bread and the Wine that become Body and Blood of Christ through the Holy Spirit. But this is just what Bergoglio is selling-off and trading to embrace Luther the heretic and all the other world religious philosophies.

Benedict XVI tried to oppose to Bergoglio’s infamous project, with his remaining strength, but Bergoglio won’t let him. Bergoglio, in his speeches, always underlines that Benedict XVI is his “grandfather”, that must remain in obedience and in the silence of prayer, to “watch his back” and not to conspire behind him. Silenced and menaced.

Bergoglio is heretic. And being heretic, he appreciates and praises the heretic Luther. Only a heretic is poised to glorify Luther, the one who stated that the “Mass is sacrilegious and abominable”; that defined Christ as “drunk” during the Last Supper; and who said that “Christ has been guilty of fornication before dying”.

But Benedict XVI cannot accept Luther’s heresies, as well as he cannot accept Bergoglio’s heresies. But now it’s too late. Before, Benedict XVI could continue trying to contain the iniquity. Not anymore. Bergoglio, succeeding in unseating Benedict XVI, doesn’t let him do anything nor react anymore.

For every authentic Christian everything that is taking place in the church of Rome is absurd and paradoxical. But what was prophesized about the false and strange church is, regrettably, a sad reality.

May Mary, Mother Church, New Jerusalem embrace under Her veil all those children who – feeling orphans and castaways of what once was and that is not anymore – hope to find protection and shelter in Her Immaculate Heart of Daughter, Spouse and Mother.