Glorified Luther, the true Church persecuted


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

“Tilmann Kleinjung – ADR (German National Radio):
That’s right, I too am leaving, for Bavaria. Thank you for allowing me this question. “Zu viel Bier, zu viel Wein!” Holy Father, I would like to ask this question: today you spoke about the shared gifts of the Churches, together. Since in four months you will be going to Lund to commemorate the five hundredth anniversary of the Reformation, I think that this is perhaps the right moment not only to remember the hurts on both sides, but also to recognize the gifts of the Reformation, and perhaps also – and this is a heretical question! – to annul or retract the excommunication of Martin Luther or to engage in some sort of rehabilitation. Thank you.

Pope Francis:
I think that Martin Luther’s intentions were not mistaken; he was a reformer. Perhaps some of his methods were not right, although at that time… we see that the Church was not exactly a model to emulate. There was corruption and worldliness in the Church; there was attachment to money and power. That was the basis of his protest. He was also intelligent, and he went ahead, justifying his reasons for it. Nowadays, Lutherans and Catholics, and all Protestants, are in agreement on the doctrine of justification: on this very important point he was not mistaken. He offered a “remedy” for the Church, and then this remedy rigidified in a state of affairs, a discipline, a way of believing, a way of acting, a mode of liturgy. But there was not only Luther: there was Zwingli, there was Calvin… And behind them? The princes, “cuius regio eius religio”. We have to place ourselves in the context of the times. It is a history that is not easy to understand, not easy… And then, to work for the poor, for the persecuted, for the many people who suffer, for refugees… To work together and to pray together. And for theologians to study together, searching…Yet there is a very long road ahead. One time I said, jokingly, “I know when the day of full unity will be!” “When?” “The day after the coming of the Son of Man!” Because we do not know… The Holy Spirit will grant us this grace. But in the meantime we need to pray, to love one another and to work together, above all for the poor and the suffering, for peace and for so many other things, against the exploitation of people… There are many things we are working on together.” (Press conference during the return flight from Armenia, June 26th 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

“You may be quite sure that in the last days there will be some difficult times. People will be self-centred and avaricious, boastful, arrogant and rude; disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, irreligious; heartless and intractable; they will be slanderers, profligates, savages and enemies of everything that is good; they will be treacherous and reckless and demented by pride, preferring their own pleasure to God. They will keep up the outward appearance of religion but will have rejected the inner power of it. Keep away from people like that. Of the same kind, too, are those men who insinuate themselves into families in order to get influence over silly women who are obsessed with their sins and follow one craze after another, always seeking learning, but unable ever to come to knowledge of the truth.”  (2Ti 3:1-7)


C) Comment:

Bergoglio says that Luther protested because the Church was corrupted at that time. And by saying this, Bergoglio justifies Luther’s “protest” because it was “intelligent”. Therefore, Bergoglio implies that, since the Church was corrupted, Luther, after all, was not that wrong in protesting, quite the contrary. However, he doesn’t say that Luther does not believe in the Mystery of “Transubstantiation” (the Eucharistic Mystery of the Bread and Wine that, by the Holy Spirit, are true Body and true Blood of Christ); that Luther does not believe in the Mystery and the Assumption in Heaven of the Virgin Mary Mother of God, the Immaculate, the Coredemptrix of Christ, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, the universal Mother.

But for Bergoglio all this doesn’t count: the Mystery of the Body and the Blood of Christ, the Mystery of Mary… a waste of time that, instead of uniting, divides. It’s better “work… for refugees”, Bergoglio says in the interview.

Everything is humanized. The divinity is nullified. The essence and substance of the authentic Christianity are repudiated and scorned. For Bergoglio and his ministers what really matters, is to unite everyone in the diabolical new world “religion”.

Nowadays the church of Rome is much more corrupted. Today’s problems are far more severe than the corruption that the roman church faced in Luther’s time. The corruption has economic, moral, and especially, doctrinal nature, and is related to all those who have betrayed the Holy Spirit, nullifying Christ, to adore and serve the spirit of the antichrist.

Today even more than yesterday, all problems related to corruption are unsolved.

The financial scandals related to the Ior, the Vatican bank, are still unsolved. Bergoglio wants and has only been able to establish a multitude of useless “commissions” and new organs, of which he himself illustrates the purposes: “There was a president of Argentina who used to say and to give this advice to presidents of other countries: “When you want something to remain unresolved, set up a commission!” (Bergoglio, Press conference during the return flight from Armenia, June 26th 2016)

The problem of the widespread homosexuality within the clergy, even at the detriment of young seminarians, even if covered‑up and justified by the leaders of the church, is yet unsolved; contrariwise, it is increasing and out of control particularly since it is justified and encouraged (Bergoglio, during the press conference on the airplane, did not just confirm his statement who am I to judge gay people? but he also raved, declaring that the whole church must ask forgiveness to the gay community).

Pedophilia, the most severe and heinous crime against the whole humanity, perpetrated at the detriment of the innocent ones, sacrificial victims of impure passions and of tremendous and macabre rituals that taking place in concealed darkness: is a problem yet unsolved.

There is much more but this is enough to make people understand that the “corruption” of the today Roman church is much more serious than the “corruption” of the days of Luther, who is justified by Bergoglio.

Thus, on one hand, Bergoglio justifies Luther’s protest and is preparing to give honor to him; on the other, Bergoglio and his church are ruthlessly raging against the children of the New Jerusalem, guilty of protesting against the roman church, a church that has betrayed the Holy Spirit and that has sold‑off and traded Christ’s Sacrifice, to give birth to a new false world religion which is no longer founded on Christ.

The roman church doesn’t defend the Magisterium of the Church of Christ anymore but takes care and defends only her own words, her own power, her own image: a blank image emptied of every sentiment and of every holy thought, and that has become an empty vessel, where there no longer is a fertile ground where to place the seed of God’s Goodness ( see The “White Island”, the God’s Dwelling Place among the people).

God the Almighty Father will purify, with His Holy Fire, what is impure, to give true testimony of the presence of the Holy Spirit in all those who announce with courage, strength and effectiveness where God is: Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem.