“The thing that God likes most is to forgive His children”


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

«This Jubilee, in other words, is a privileged moment for the Church to learn to choose only “what pleases God most”. What is it that “pleases God most”? Forgiving his children, having mercy on them, so that they may in turn forgive their brothers and sisters, shining as a flame of God’s mercy in the the world. This is what pleases God most»” (General audience – St.Peter’s Square – 9 December 2015)


B) References to Scriptures:

Sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am Yahweh your God” (Lev 20:7)


C) Comment:

What does an earthly father who cares about his children like most?
To rejoice because the children have not made mistakes or forgive children when they do wrong?

What is the thing that gives more pleasure to the Father that is in Heaven? That His children imitate Christ and Mary, who never sinned and never made a mistake or that His children imitate those that have betrayed?

The Father is infinitely merciful and forgives those who repent and, recognizing their mistake, promise to the Father to sin no more. But this is not certainly what most pleases the Father.

The Father is pleased if His children do not sin, if His children do not make mistakes, so that His children can live as saints already from now, on this Earth.

So the Father will embrace these children, that will console His Heart of Father, giving Him joy for having followed His teachings. As so many men and women have done, that, on the example of Christ, Mary, John the Baptist, John the Apostle of Love and many others, have lived as saints, remaining pure, fleeing sin, to give joy to the Good and Holy Father.

Bergoglio does not teach to not sin.

Bergoglio does not encourage the children of God to not sin.

But, on the contrary, he almost invites them to not worry, to relax in front of temptation, because he teaches them that the Father however forgives them regardless, even more: that the Father is pleased to forgive them. As if by sinning, they give joy to the Father. But the Father is grieved when His children do wrong. The Father is not pleased if His children sin but He is pleased if they are saints.

The teachings of God and the teachings of Bergoglio are opposed, contrary.