Is the Covenant with the Jewish people repealed “yes, yes” or “no, no”?


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

Moses — whom just after his birth, divine mercy saved from death in the waters of the Nile — becomes the mediator of that very mercy, allowing the people to be born to freedom, saved from the waters of the Red Sea. In this Year of Mercy we too can do this work of acting as mediators of mercy through the works of mercy in order to approach, to give relief, to create unity….
When he gives instructions to Moses regarding the covenant, he says: «if you will obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my own possession among all peoples; for all the earth is mine, and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation» (Ex 19:5-6).

So we become thus for God, by accepting his covenant and letting ourselves be saved by him. The Lord’s mercy renders man precious, like a personal treasure that belongs to him, which he safeguards and with which he is well pleased.
These are the wonders of divine mercy, which reaches complete fulfillment in the Lord Jesus, in the “new and eternal covenant” consummated in his blood, which annuls our sin with forgiveness and renders us definitively Children of God (cf. 1 Jn 3:1), precious gems in the hands of the good and merciful Father. And as we are Children of God and have the opportunity to receive this legacy — that of goodness and mercy — in comparison to others, let us ask the Lord that in this Year of Mercy we too may do merciful things; let us open our heart in order to reach everyone with the works of mercy, to work the merciful legacy that God the Father showed toward us” (General audience Saint Peter’s Square Wednesday, 27 January 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

So now, if you are really prepared to obey me and keep my covenant, you, out of all peoples, shall be my personal possession, for the whole world is mine” (Exo 19:5)

For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved. No one who believes in him will be judged; but whoever does not believe is judged already, because that person does not believe in the Name of God’s only Son” (Joh 3:18)


C) Comment:

Bergoglio shoots himself in the foot. He returns to talk about the Alliance stipulated between God the Father and the Jewish people. But this time, he recants and manifests his spirit, that is contrary to the Spirit of Jesus, that invites all to talk by saying “yes, yes” and “no, no“.

Bergoglio twice, in the recent past, has denied that the Covenant with the Jewish people has been revoked. (In the document Evangelii Gaudium, n. 247 he says: “A very special gaze turns to the Jew people, whose covenant with God has never been revoked“; and in his speech in the synagogue of Rome on January 17th, 2016, he says: “the irrevocability of the Old Covenant and the constant and faithful love of God for Israel“).

In today’s general audience, Bergoglio says that the divine mercy comes to full fruition «in the Lord Jesus, in that “new and eternal covenant” consumed in his blood». So Bergoglio recants what he himself stated twice. Bergoglio says and “says the exact opposite”; first he says one thing, then, shortly after, he negates and affirms another one. In short, Bergoglio is a champion of inconsistency and ambiguity and mostly he manifests his weakness (not being able to keep a position for fear of being too exposed).

Here is the Bergoglio ‘s inconsistency that shows itself.

This is the way of speaking of Bergoglio: “no, yes”; “yes, no”, that is the opposite of what Jesus says, that invites to speak saying: “yes, yes” and “no, no”. “The more is from the evil one” (Mt 5,37). Precisely. Jesus says that it is typical of the evil spirit to speak in an unclearly and contrasting manner: who first says one thing and then denies it; who says and then recants (saying that others have either misunderstood or misused).

If Bergoglio would reflect well before speaking and quoting the Sacred Scripture, he would not condemn himself.

Instead, rather than being silent, he keeps talking, he shows his contradiction, his inconsistency, his true spiritual nature.

What does the Father say in the biblical text quoted by Bergoglio? He warns the people to listen to His voice and keep His Covenant. And what happens if it is not so? What happened to the Jewish people who did not respect the Ten Commandments and that did not listen to the Voice of the Father that through the Son was manifested? The Father has betrayed the first Covenant, because of the betrayal of that people. And the Father has not sent His Spirit anymore to protect the Jewish people and their temple, that without the Spirit of God, collapsed.

And if all this is valid for the first Covenant, what happens (it has already happened) about the successive Covenant? What happens if the voice of the Father is not listened again and if His Covenant is betrayed again, betraying the Spirit of the Father? What happened before will happen again. The Father betrays the Alliance again because of the murderous vine-dressers and stipulates a new Covenant with a new people, with a new House, that is faithful to Him and respects His teachings, that puts Christ at the centre of everything and does not sacrifice Him to join with other religious ideas.

There is no need to anaesthetise the people with the continuous litany of the (false) mercy. There is a time for each thing.

As the history of the Jewish people teaches, first there is the time of mercy, in which the Father warns, recalls, admonishes, always giving a new chance to the people to repent and be converted; then there is the time of the merciful justice.

The Father advances and judges with mercy: “Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned because he has not believed in the name of God’s only Son (Jn 3,18).

This is the Truth of the Gospel. This is the true Mercy of the Father: to clearly and consistently invite all to repent and to ask God’s forgiveness for their own sins, wanting with all their strength to sin no more, having faith in Christ, the Son of the living God, and putting into practice, with the actions, His teachings.
All this before the Father applies His Merciful Justice.

Who teaches to do the opposite, in the name of a false mercy apt to numb the consciences (that lose the fear of God and lower their guard towards the risk of mortal sin), is leading the people into the abyss and determines (due to the provoked infidelity) a new rupture of the Covenant with the Father.
The Father withdraws His Spirit from that temple that, without His Spirit, is more and more bound to collapse; and it will collapse inexorably.