Bible or Koran, Christians or Muslims: “share, because only one is God”


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

It is to share our experiences … You who are Christians with the Bible, you who are Muslims with the Koran, with the faith that you have received from your fathers and that always will help you to move forward. To share also your faith because only one is God, the same, to some he spoke in one way, to some in another way, but go ahead. Share” (Address to the refugees in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rome, January 19, 2014)


B) References to Scriptures:

This is the stone which you, the builders, rejected but which has become the cornerstone. Only in him is there salvation; for of all the names in the world given to men, this is the only one by which we can be saved” (Act 4:11-12)


C) Comment:

God the Almighty Father, that for Jews is Jhwh and for Muslims is Allah, has a name and a face: Christ.

Those who believe in Christ, the incarnated Son of God, can be saved (if in addition to believe, practice His teachings). Only in Christ there is salvation. The Holy Spirit, in the Acts of the Apostles, says: “There is salvation in no one else“.

Bergoglio sells Christ off and cancels the saving project of God the Almighty Father that manifests and fulfils only through Christ.

The Holy Bible and the Koran are not the same thing.

God has not spoken, saying the same thing in two different ways.

The teachings contained in the Holy Bible are one thing and the teachings contained in the Koran are another.

Things cannot be mixed. Doing so, creates and generates confusion.

The concept of salvation mentioned by the Holy Spirit in the Sacred Scripture is different from the one manifested by the spirit that is in Bergoglio.

The Holy Spirit that proceeds from the Father and the Son, teaches that we are saved only through Christ; the spirit that is in Bergoglio doesn’t teach so.

Bergoglio has never given concrete evidence to believe that only in Christ there is salvation.

His concept of ecumenism is not based on the Person of Christ, fundamental and non-negotiable element upon which Christianity is based. But, on the contrary, Bergoglio, every time he can, encourages everyone to join in the name of a generic concept of God, which is not based on Christ, Way, Truth and Life.

His is a new religious philosophy, that embraces all, Christians, Muslims, Jews and Orientals. All united in the name of a generic concept of “love”.