Bergoglio and the Mystery of the Cross – Part II


For all true Catholic Christians, the Cross is the centre of everything.

The Cross is the point of convergence and fulfilment of the Mystery of God. No one can be a true Catholic Christian if they do not embrace, in totality, the profound significance of that moment of the Cross lived by Christ, by Mary and the Apostle of Love. In that eternal moment it was experienced the crucial moment in the life of Catholic Christians.
Every Catholic Christian, that wants to be called so and who wants to live the fullness of Catholic Christianity, must have the right awareness of the meaning of the Cross.
Every Catholic Christian, in their own conscience, must deeply understand the true and authentic meaning of every single moment and breath of life experienced by those whom God the Father has called to give life to the Mystery of God, on and at the foot of the Cross: the Son and the Mother, Christ and Mary; and John, the Witness, the Apostle of Love, in which the whole humanity is represented in the fullness.

This is why, on one side, everyone has the duty to consult their heart and conscience about the meaning and the profound reason of what Christ and Mary transmit us for eternity, with Their example and teaching of life, at the moment of the Cross. Christ and Mary with Their sacrifice, offered in loving obedience (not extorted) and filial abandonment to the Father, redeem the disobedience of Eve and Adam, that stained humanity but, thanks to this Sacrifice, they give life to the Mystery of the Resurrection for the salvation of the whole world.

And this is why, on the other side, everyone has the duty to consult their heart and conscience about the meaning and the profound reason that now has led the one who should be the vicar of Christ (and therefore by his example and teaching should, more than any other, make understand Christ) to distort the meaning and to empty, from the inside, the value of the meaning of the Sacrifice of Mary and Christ in the moment of the Cross. Bergoglio, insinuating the doubt of the intimate rebellion of Jesus and Mary to the Father, cancels in fact (in the minds and hearts of those who follow him) what, more than anything else, exalts and emphasizes the essence of Their Sacrifice: the loving obedience and the filial abandonment, total and voluntary, without repentance or remorse, to the Will of the Father who embodied the Sacrifice itself.

In fact, what meaning would the sacrifice of Jesus and Mary have had, if it had been offered to the Father in the intimate rebellion, in having felt misled by the Father and arriving thus to blaspheme the same Father? If all this had really happened, would that Sacrifice, which is THE Sacrifice, have had the same value? And, above all, would it have produced the same result in the economy of the Father’s Salvation Plan? No. Without the full and voluntary participation, loving and conscious, joyful – because required by the Father -, the Sacrifice of Jesus and Mary could not have redeemed, in the fullness, the wilful disobedience of Adam and Eve to the Father’s Project.

This is the central point of all this theme.

On one side, it is to be understood why Bergoglio is trying now to empty the meaning of a gesture in its essence, a gesture that has anyway already been accomplished and therefore cannot be deleted. What is the need now to insinuate in the hearts of humankind (even just to transmit a doubt) the thought that Mary has felt deceived and that Jesus, in the moment in which He calls the Father, in reality He blasphemes Him?
Because in the Mystery of salvation of the Father, the sacrifice of Christ and Mary must be brought to full fruition, so that the Evil one is definitively defeated and those who are not of God, well aware of this, try to impede it, diminishing the essence and the substance of what happened and thus inducing the humankind, in the moment of the greatest passion, to not adhere to the Mystery of salvation of the Father that is fulfilled in that, conscious and total, embrace of Love, on and at the foot of the Cross.

On the other side, it is to be understood why the Catholic Christians of the New Jerusalem consider of fundamental, absolute and prime importance, the understanding of this issue. Because in the eternal moment of the Cross, humanity and divinity come together to blend and give life to this Mystery.

Emptying the Cross of Its essence, enclosed in the Will of Mary and Christ, means debasing Its essence and substance. Only those who do not love the Cross can make statements such as those made by Bergoglio. And only who does not understand the importance and the severity of such statements, can remain silent and defenceless in front all this. And only those who are busy with other matters can pretend nothing has happened or thinking that, after all, this is a very small thing. And only those who deliberately share the aims of such statements, feeling unmasked, will do anything to discredit those who raise their voices in defence of the Truth and of the authentic teachings of Jesus and Mary.

The cross does not leave anything out: it takes and charges Itself … of every single suffering and every single joy. Everything is enclosed in It, to bring back to life: heart, soul and spirit.

Who does not love the Cross does not love God. Who does not esteem and tries to not make esteem the essence and the substance of the Sacrifice of the Cross of Jesus and Mary, is not from God. This is the Truth. And everything converges towards the Truth, since from the beginning, since from the earliest days of human glory of those who have never really loved but despised the Cross. The Cross is only apparently loved on some occasions, only in words, only in words, only in words, but never loved with facts and with heart. From the choice of the material for producing his own cross (not the first alloy, gold, to give honour to Him who is King and eternal Priest, but a much shoddy one); from the choice of the images imprinted on that cross, where Jesus is depicted uglified beyond belief, up to the total annihilation of the Man-God depicted on the pastoral. Jesus is mocked and uglified in the symbols and images, which instead transmit, if well observed, symbols and representations close to the esoteric world, in the exaltation of contexts in opposition to Christ and His Church.

Thus continuing, it’s clear why Bergoglio speaks of the cross, in the day of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (in a deliberately confusing and contradictory discourse) as the Cross that expresses “all the negative strength of evil and all the meek omnipotence of God” (J.M. Bergoglio, homily of Sept. 14th 2014).

The Cross for us Catholic Christians expresses the deep meaning of the essence of the Sacrifice of Jesus that leads to the salvation of the world! It is just the opposite: The Cross does not express the “negative strength of evil” but the positive strength of Good that wins over evil!
The Cross for us Catholic Christians expresses the full omnipotence of God, that wins over Evil, over the Evil One, through the Sacrifice of Christ and of His and our Mother Mary, called to co-participate in the totality to the Mass of Her Son, that on Golgotha is celebrated ​​in the perfection. Not “meek omnipotence“, where the term “meek” evokes an apparent weakness of God, but: full omnipotence, disruptive, winning in totality!

This must be the real and deep understanding of all those who desire and want to have the right awareness of the meaning of the Cross.

And this awareness and understanding, leads to unmask and to help people understand the essence of those who say they love God, but which in fact behave in the opposite way.

God is God of mercy, but to remain in God, you must go “and sin no more, or something worse may happen to you” (Jn 5,14).
In addition, the concept of divine mercy, separated and split from the will to “sin no more” is emptied in the essence. This concept can lead a person, weak for nature or weak in his own will, to reiterate the mistake, in the belief that the Father forgives regardless, however, in any case, because God is merciful. But it is not so. God forgives as long as one repents and desires, with holy and total determination, to “sin no more”.

These are not trifles or nuances of those who want to nit-pick towards someone but these facts are significant and, in the light of the true and authentic teachings of Christ, must highlight the true purpose of this bloke that, with cunning, determination, total and deliberate will, attempts to distort the meaning, the substance and the essence of the true and essential teachings of Christ, thereby generating insecurity, torpidity, distrust and infidelity towards God.

We must break free from many prejudices which lead to think that in some people the Spirit of God dwells regardless. The Spirit of God dwells in those who seek him, in those who invoke Him with sincerity and in Truth and in those who remain faithful to God and His commandments, because they love God, they seek God, they believe in God.
Can the Spirit of God dwell, for example, in those who invoke other spirits contrary to God? No.
And if a man, who were also the pope, voluntarily and consciously, adhere not to the Holy Spirit, but to another spirit, which is not from God, will the Holy Spirit still dwell in him? No.
And if with him, voluntarily and consciously, a group of resolute men, that support him (before, during and after), were they may be eight (as the eight-pointed star) plus one, which together with the Pope are ten, ten kings (like the ten kings of Revelation) that, with important roles and tasks, and that, cunningly and deceitfully, had succeeded in deceiving many, inside and outside, which instead of invoking the Spirit of God, are invoking another spirit, that is not from God, can the Spirit of God dwell in them anyway by virtue of their role and of the house they occupy? No.

And by virtue of this, having betimes warned His children, can the Father stop sending His Holy Spirit into that house to sanctify the gifts? The Father has the Authority to do this. The Father can do everything.

God the Father, after having created everything, has dispensed to everyone the greatest, eternal gift, which is invaluable: Freedom. In Freedom everyone is free to obey and adhere to God’s Spirit, substantial Love of the Father and of the Son, or to the spirit of the Evil One. It is not the Spirit of God that generates rotten fruit. The Spirit of God generates only good fruit. It is the spirit of evil that produces bad fruit.

And what should the Father do in front of a child that, instead of adhering to the Spirit of God, deliberately and voluntarily adheres to the spirit of evil? What should God do, being unable to deny the gift of Freedom, that results in the free will, given to everyone?

However, in this regard, many declare: “It cannot happen, it is impossible“. Those who persist in thinking so, have not understood the deep meaning of the gift called “Freedom” that God has given to humankind. All are free to adhere to the Spirit of God or to another spirit that is not from God, regardless of the calling received or the role that each plays.

At a time when all this should happen, that is happening and that the prophecies have betimes foretold, what should the Father do, after having repeatedly betimes warned the children in order to unmask the deception? Send a lightning bolt from Heaven to make His opposition be understood to all? Bring His wrath down to the world, provoked by His infidel children who should have remained faithful over the centuries, and thus give rise to His plagues, as foretold and revealed in the Apocalypse? Should He call the children of iniquity to Himself and judge them?

And again: give a sign and evidence of His presence in those who have remained faithful to Him? Let the world know His Tools who love Mary and Christ, that are ready to sacrifice themselves in order to defend the Truth? Make known His Dwelling among humankind that the Apostle John describes in the Book of Revelation and reveals as the New Jerusalem?

God the Father can do everything. Humankind must adapt and understand the logic of God without placing limits to the Action of God, and not claim to apply the human logic to the things of God.

God has betimes provided and provides for the needs of His children following His logic, that the children of good will must follow, well opening their eyes and hearts, to that the Spirit of Truth can make understand, without prejudice, where God Is and where God Is not. Two thousand years ago, God the Father broke His Covenant with His chosen people to stipulate a new one, in His Son, that those men and women called to remain pure, let themselves be contaminated by the apparent love and lust for power, and having no more care of the vineyard of the Father, disowned the Love made Person, Jesus Christ, the Man God, born from a Woman, “Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God, He did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained. But He unclothed Himself so as to assume the guise of a servant in that He became like men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! “(Phil. 2, 5-8).

Christ freely, voluntarily, lovingly, and with total obedience, sacrifices Himself on the Cross for the salvation of many, not all; but for those who recognize Him and believe in Him, to whom He gives eternal Life.

By fruits ye shall know the tree (Luke 6). God’s children, animated by good will and eager to invoke the Spirit of God, are called to do this, without drawing boundaries or constraints to the Father’s Project, but trying to totality understand Him, with filial abandonment, without preconceptions or aprioristic closures. At the beginning of the history of God, many knew only God the Father. Then, according to the divine Logic, different from the human logic of that time, the Father sent His Son. God always surprises. The Father surprised the learned, the wise men and the priests of the time, by sending His Son, the Son of the living God, who was apparently a Man like the others, the carpenter’s son in that case, a Man of flesh and blood, living Temple of the Holy Spirit, born from a Woman, Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. Flesh and Spirit blended to be made one.

Humanity and Divinity converge to blend into the living Mass, live, true and throbbing, that, in the Sacrifice of the Cross, is celebrated and comes to fruition in the fullness and gives life to this Mystery.

This is the Logic of God, to which every child of God of good will, must open their heart, opening it wide and becoming small, so that the Spirit of God can enter into their heart and make it big, in order to understand and live the Father’s greatness.

The fruits that will spring from the heart of each one, help and always will help to understand the presence of God and His Spirit. The heart of each one makes the difference. From the fruits that the heart produces, everything is and will be manifested.

The fruits of the heart that manifest the presence of God, are lasting and true and lead to a real and stable conversion, modification, resurrection. The fruits of the Spirit of God, are truthful and spring from the depths, not from the surface and from the appearance. From who is called to represent Christ, is expected gestures not apparently charitable, human and mostly mundane, but much more than this: concrete facts of who, not afraid to go against the current of the world, seeks to make advance the truth of Christ, against all and everything, sacrificing himself on the Cross, embracing and loving the essence and the substance of the Cross, without seeking the consent of the world – wanting to please the world, saying and doing what the world wants to hear and see – but trying only to gratify the Father.

Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life, has never sought the opinion of the world to decide what is good and what is bad for His children. He never sent questionnaires to know the dominant thought in the world to comply with it, knowing that the world is astray and finding a justification to definitely lead it astray. Jesus Christ came into the world to bring the world to Himself, to His Thought of Truth and He paid at great cost, at the cost of His own life, being hung and lifted up on the Cross. Christ Jesus never sought consensus of the media, of opinion leaders or of the powerful of the world, but has sought and seeks the heart of everyone, of all those animated by good will, in order to restore them to eternal Life. Is it possible that God’s children do not understand?

However, despite this, the underworld will never prevail on the Church of Christ. “In the Church there are several courtyards: that of the priests, that of the self-righteous, that of the traffickers. Among these courtyards of the Church, there is your courtyard, the White Island where I will defend the purity of Faith. In this new temple, neither the Sanhedrin nor the world will have authority, because I have preserved it only for Myself, for what has to be done “(Revelation of Jesus to Giuseppina Norcia). This courtyard will allow the Church of Christ to win over evil. The Church of Christ never will be defeated. The netherworld will not prevail. Mary, Mother Church, will preserve the courtyard called to defend the purity of faith from the attacks of the spirit of evil.
Those who are animated by good will, those who are thirsty of God and those who want to follow Jesus in these hard and difficult times, take up their daily cross, full of joys and sorrows, and follow Christ.
Those who want to defend the Church of Christ, offer their life, like Mary at the foot of the Cross, “Cross that lights up the world, the only light of death and of resurrection. There is weeping and joy ” (booklet, “A Cradle for Baby Jesus in the Land of Gallinaro”, p. 36), to co-participate in fullness to the Mass of Christ, that in the Mystery of the Cross is renewed every day, up to the final fulfilment of the Father’s Project.

The sacrifice of Christ is for many but not for everyone. “His Mass, our Mass, the world will not understand“, Jesus says in a message revealed to Giuseppina Norcia.

If the world will not understand, the children of Mary, Mother Church, the New Jerusalem, are there “so that all those who the Father has entrusted, is entrusting and will entrust me, will be consecrated in truth and take part, in full form, to the plan of Love and redemption for the glory and honour to the Father” (Booklet, page 23).

There is Mary. There is Christ. There are the children of Mary and Christ.

In Mary, for Mary, with Mary, at the foot of the Cross, to offer our lives in defence of Christ, Way, Truth and Life.