“The Church cannot claim to have the monopoly of the Truth”


A) The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

“The Church too, can and must, without claiming a monopoly on truth, speak out and act, especially in the face of «situations of deep hurt and dramatic suffering, in which values, ethics, the social sciences and faith all enter into play» (Address to participants in the 3rd World Meeting of Popular Movements, Rome, 5 November 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

Jesus said: I am the Way; I am Truth and Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (Joh 14:6)

However, when the Spirit of truth comes he will lead you to the complete truth, since he will not be speaking of his own accord, but will say only what he has been told; and he will reveal to you the things to come.” (Joh 16:13)


C) Comment:

True Christians well know that Christ is the only Way, Christ is the only Truth, Christ is the only Salvation, which leads everyone to live eternal Life. Bergoglio, instead, increasingly manifests that the Apostasy in the church of Rome is alive and fully taking place and says that the church should not claim «to have the monopoly of the truth». In this he’s is right: the church of Rome, which is no longer assisted by the guide of the Holy Spirit, no longer holds the monopoly of Truth. Indeed, the church of Rome has disowned Christ, has disowned the proselytizing taught by Christ and, above all, has disowned the Project of Salvation wanted by God the Father, that only and only in Christ is fulfilled. The Father has withdrawn His Holy Spirit from the church of Rome, which is now totally in the grip of an anti-Christian and anti-Christic spirit. Rome, disowning the centrality of Christ, the Absolute Truth, has lost faith and lives the Apostasy in fullness.

True Christians must not join with other people’s philosophies and practices that are not religious. True Christians want to remain in Christ, Crucified and Risen for the Salvation of all those who believe in His Name. This is the main and essential purpose of every Christian that, primarily wanting to stand firm in Christ, will therefore try to reach out to all those who, although do not profess the true religion and not belonging to the Church of Christ, the mystical Body of Christ, are animated by good will and want to know Christ. This is why, Christians are called to daily manifest their own example of life, which leads to be good, righteous, generous and authentic Christians and thus to be the image of Christ, Man-God, so that all those who are animated by good will, may take part of Christ and, by grace, to the Mystery of Salvation.

True Christians know that the Truth exists and they will never disown It. True Christians know that there is the Absolute Truth and that has embodied Itself in history. True Christians know Who the Absolute Truth is: Christ, the Man-God, the Saviour of the world, the King of the universe. Consequently, where the Spirit of Christ IS, the true Church of Christ IS. And in the Church of Christ there is the full and absolute Truth. The church of Rome has lost faith and the Father has betimes sent His Spirit in the Land of Love, chosen by Him to save Christianity, the White Island that will preserve the purity of Faith: the Universal Christian Church of the New Jerusalem.