Bergoglio says: «God is the Father of all, Christians and non-Christians. We are all children of God». And the spirit of the antichrist is increasingly manifested


A) The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

“«Today, as men and women of all religions, we will go to Assisi, not to put on a show: but simply to pray, to pray for peace». (…)

«God, the Father of everyone, of Christians and non-Christians — the Father of everyone — desires peace», the Pope affirmed, adding: «It is we, mankind, under the temptation of evil, who create war in order to make money, in order to gain more territory». Today, he continued, people «suffer greatly in the world due to war, and many others might say: ‘Thanks be to God, it does not touch us!”». And it is good that «we thank God», Francis added, «but let us also think of others», of all those people who are affected by war.

(…) «Peace, peace!» was the exclamation the Pope asked everyone to repeat. With the hope «that our heart may be the heart of a man or woman of peace», ready to look «beyond religious differences — everyone, everyone, everyone! — Because we are all children of God». Indeed, «God is the God of peace, there is no god of war: what creates war is evil, it is the devil, who wants to kill everyone». (…)” (Homily, Domus Sanctae Marthae, 20 September 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

He came to his own and his own people did not accept him. But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believed in his name” (Joh 1:11-12)

This is the proof of the spirit of God: any spirit which acknowledges Jesus Christ, come in human nature, is from God, and no spirit which fails to acknowledge Jesus is from God; it is the spirit of Antichrist, whose coming you have heard of; he is already at large in the world.” (1Jo 4:2-3)


C) Comment:

Bergoglio is preparing for the meeting in Assisi with the world religious leaders to pray for peace. Which god does Bergoglio pray to with the other leaders? For sure not the Christians’ God, Jesus, the Christ, the Son of the Living God, the only One who saves. Which peace does Bergoglio invoke? For sure not the peace that only God the Father can give to mankind and that only in Christ is fulfilled.

Bergoglio prays god, his god. Not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, incarnated in Christ, the Son of the living God, who commanded Christians to go throughout the world and to baptize all people in His name so that all may believe in Him to be saved. Bergoglio prays, together with the other religious persons, a god that is not the Christians’ God.

In fact, Bergoglio openly says that «God is the Father of Christians and non-Christians», denying what the Apostle John says in His Gospel. The Apostle John says that only those who believe in Christ, the Son of God, become “children” of God and so can have God as “Father”. But those who do not believe in Christ cannot be called “children” of God. They can be “creatures” of God, but not “children”. The difference is substantial. To deny this principle is to deny Christ Himself and His Work.

For this reason, the spirit that is in Bergoglio is an anti-Christic spirit, a spirit that denies Christ and His Work. Bergoglio has so often said and repeated that “we are all children of God”, thus denying the Person of Jesus and His Work (see: The church of Bergoglio real stepmother of Christians; The washing of the feet that crucifies Jesus; Bible or Koran, Christians or Muslims, “share, because only one is God).

To err is human, to persevere in error is diabolical, was said. A Christian who says that all are “children” of God is in error. The head of a church, that had been called to be “the” Christians’ church and that continuously and voluntarily denies Christ, His Mission and His teachings, not only is in error, but is surely in the grip of a diabolic spirit.

The Holy Virgin, in La Salette, exactly 170 years ago, predicted that Rome would have lost faith and that the antichrist would have placed his throne in Rome. The Apostle John also says that those who do not recognize Jesus and His Work are animated by the spirit of the antichrist. In deeds and words Bergoglio continues to deny Christ and His Work. In the church of Rome, the spirit of the antichrist is increasingly manifesting.