“Peter did not hace much schooling, did not graduate: he was a fisherman”


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

Even in the liturgical passage from the Gospel of Matthew (18: 21-25) we deal with the same topic. Here the protagonist is Peter, who «had heard so many times the Lord mention forgiveness and mercy». The apostle evidently in his simplicity – «he did not have much schooling, did not graduate: he was a fisherman» – had not fully understood the meaning of those words. Therefore, «he approached Jesus and said him: “But, tell me, Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? Do you think, up to seven times?”». Seven times: perhaps he felt that he was even «generous». But «Jesus stops him and says: “I do not say up to seven times, but seventy times seven”»” (Homily, Casa Santa Marta, March 1, 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

Just at this time, filled with joy by the Holy Spirit, he said, ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to little children. Yes, Father, for that is what it has pleased you to do’” (Luk 10:21)


C) Comment:

When it suits him, Bergoglio quotes Peter as the leader, the one to whom be obedient. Stay cum et sub Petro, he said (“with” and “under” Peter). In fact, everyone remembers the fierce recall and explicit warning that Bergoglio addressed the brethren during the Synod of the Family, who did not fall in line with his “destructive” thinking regarding the family.

In other cases, St. Peter is mocked and, as in this case, humiliated.

St. Peter is actually mocked for his lowly status of “fisherman”. He was not an “erudite” or a “wise” man. But Jesus looked at his heart, a heart that let the Master shape with His hands and it became tender, was renewed, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through Him.

This is why Jesus in the Gospel prayed and thanked the Father for having chosen to reveal His truth to those who became small to the eyes of the world, humbling themselves in order to remain in the graces of the Father.

This is the teaching of Jesus, that is opposite to what Bergoglio now would like to bring to the lukewarm Christians, the more ignorant Christians, Christians who, contaminated by the world, are no longer able to discern what is good from what is bad. Bergoglio levers on this. Many so-called doctorates and wise men of the world of the church have levered on this.

For this reason, in recent history, Jesus and Mary have continuously manifested and revealed to those who, discarded and not considered by the world, have left themselves be permeated and guided by the Holy Spirit.

Already in the past, Bergoglio scoffed St. Peter, so as he mocked Jesus, Mary and many saints of God’s story (St. Joseph, John the Baptist: 1st, 2nd, 3rd , Noah; King David, 1st, 2nd).

Bergoglio is not worthy of Peter. The spirit that is in Bergoglio will bow to the Spirit that is in Peter. And no longer will be.

Every mask will fall and every spirit will be manifested.

The Spirit that was in Peter and that proceeds from the Father and the Son, leads the Church of Christ to victory.

Hades will not prevail!