“Good Catholics” should not have children like rabbits


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

«I believe that the number of three per family, which you mentioned, is important, according to the experts, for maintaining the population. Three per couple ……. That is why the key phrase for responding is one which the Church constantly uses, as I do: it is “responsible parenthood” ……… Some people believe that — pardon my language — in order to be good Catholics, we should be like rabbits. No. Responsible parenthood»” (Apostolic journey to Sri Lanka and the Philippines (12-19 January 2015) in-flight press conference from the Philippines to Rome – Papal Flight Monday, January 19, 2015)


B) References to Scriptures:

God created man in the image of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them. God blessed them, saying to them, «Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all the living creatures that move on earth»” (Gen 1:27-28)

God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, «Breed, multiply and fill the earth»” (Gen 9:1)

Marry and have sons and daughters; choose wives for your sons, find husbands for your daughters so that these can bear sons and daughters in their turn” (Jer 29:6)

Rachel, seeing that she herself gave Jacob no children, became jealous of her sister. And she said to Jacob, ‘Give me children, or I shall die!’ This made Jacob angry with Rachel, and he retorted, ‘Am I in the position of God, who has denied you motherhood?’” (Gen 30:1-2)


C) Comment:

Any comment would be superfluous. We comment to soothe the wounds of those who have been mortally wounded in their soul, after having sacrificed themselves for a life. The children are and always will be a gift of God.

Who should responsibly exercise the fatherhood?

Bergoglio cites “the technicians” that indicate, according to the logic of the world, what is the ideal number of children that every Catholic Christian family should have.

In this way, Bergoglio mortifies and humiliates those who have less than three children, making them actually feel guilty for having procreated with little generosity; but above all, mortifies and humiliates all those Catholic Christians that by donating themselves with faithful and total love, without barriers and with sacrifice, have accepted and raised the children fruit of this love. “Invited” to give themselves without barriers, many Catholic Christians who wanted to remain obedient to men’s laws, are thus in fact humiliated and mortified by the same men, for having procreated more than three children.

This way of doing and saying of Bergoglio, demolishes and tears apart the dignity of many men and women who feel both sarcastically judged (being compared to rabbits) and humiliated in their depths after having spent a life of sacrifices and privations or having seen their parents doing so.