“The Way of the Cross is the story of God’s failure”
A) The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:
“How can I see the hand of God in one of life’s tragedies?” There is only one answer: no, there is no answer. There is only a way: to look to the Son of God. God delivered his Son to save us all. God let himself become a tragedy. God let himself be destroyed on the cross. So when the moment comes when you don’t understand, when you’re in despair and the world is tumbling down all around you, look to the cross! There is the failure of God; There is the destruction of God. But There is also the challenge of our faith: hope. Because that story didn’t end in that failure. There was the resurrection, which renewed us all. I’ll tell you a secret – but aren’t you hungry? It’s already noon! No? – well then, I’ll tell you a secret. In my pocket I always carry two things: a rosary, a rosary to pray, and something else which may seem odd… What is it? It’s the story of God’s failure: it is a Via Crucis, a little Via Crucis, the way Jesus suffered from the time he was condemned to death until his burial. With these two things, I try to do my best. But thanks to these two things I don’t lose hope” (Meeting with the young people Kasarani Stadium, Nairobi (Kenya) Friday, 27 November 2015)
B) References to Scriptures:
“After all, Christ sent me not to baptise, but to preach the gospel; and not by means of wisdom of language, wise words which would make the cross of Christ pointless” (1Co 1:17)
C) Comment:
When Bergoglio speaks of the Cross and the meaning of the Sacrifice of the Cross, his spirit fully manifests.
The spirit that is in Bergoglio speaks of the Cross as the “failure of God”. And this time, he says it in his mother tongue, removing the doubt that he can be misunderstood speaking in a language he does not know well. He says: “El fracaso de Dio”, the “failure of God”.
This is an elemental concept, but at the same time it is fundamental in the Christian doctrine.
What does the symbol of the cross mean for a Christian? The Redemption, The Victory, not the failure.
By dying on the Cross, has Jesus overcome the world or has the world won Jesus? Jesus has overcome the world.
So, does the Cross represent the symbol of the victory of Jesus or does It represent His defeat? It represents His triumph!
It is far from a failure!
What is recited after each Station of the Via Crucis? Adoramus te Christe, et benedicimus tibi. Quia per sanctam crucem tuam redemisti mundum (We adore You, Christ, and we bless You, because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world).
The Holy Spirit teaches us to worship and bless Christ, because thanks to His Cross, He has redeemed the world; the spirit that is in Bergoglio instead teaches the opposite.
For Bergoglio, the Cross is not the instrument that represents salvation but it represents the failure of Christ.
Bergoglio, doing so, is destroying, in the silence and indifference of those who listen without reacting, the foundation of the teachings and of the elemental Christian doctrine.