Jesus “made himself like a snake”… “and this is the mistery of Christ”


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

The same concept was confirmed by Jesus in a passage «two chapters before», when he «says the same to the lawmakers: “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so the Son of man must be lifted up so that whoever believes in him might be saved». The serpent thus … is «symbol of sin; the serpent that kills; but a serpent that saves. And this is the mystery of Christ».
Even St. Paul … «speaking of this mystery, says that Jesus emptied himself, he humiliated himself, he annihilated himself to save us». The Apostle, in fact, suggests an expression even stronger: «He made himself sin». Therefore, wanting to use the biblical symbol, we could say: «He made himself the serpent». And this is … «the prophetic message of these readings of today. The Son of Man that, like a serpent, “became sin”, he has been lifted up to save us».
… Sin, then … «is the work of Satan and Jesus overcomes Satan “making himself sin”». So, from the Cross, he «elevates us all». Therefore, «the Crucifix is ​​not an ornament, it is not a piece of art, with many precious stones, such as many others: the Crucifix is ​​the mystery of the “annihilation” of God, for love»…
this is … «the story of our redemption», this is «the story of the love of God». Therefore, «if we want to know the love of God, we have to look at the Crucifix». There we meet «a tortured man, who died, who is God, “emptied of his divinity, “dirtied, “made sin». Hence the ultimate prayer: «May the Lord give us the grace to understand a little more this mystery»
” (Homily, Casa Santa Marta, March 15, 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

Who is the liar, if not one who claims that Jesus is not the Christ? This is the Antichrist, who denies both the Father and the Son” (1Jo 2:22)

And no spirit which fails to acknowledge Jesus is from God” (1Jo 4:3a)

For our sake he made the sinless one a victim for sin, so that in him we might become the uprightness of God” (2Co 5:21)

Now if we too are found to be sinners on the grounds that we seek our justification in Christ, it would surely follow that Christ was at the service of sin. Out of the question!” (Gal 2:17)

He was bearing our sins in his own body on the cross, so that we might die to our sins and live for uprightness; through his bruises you have been healed” (1Pe 2:24)

What the Law could not do because of the weakness of human nature, God did, sending his own Son in the same human nature as any sinner to be a sacrifice for sin, and condemning sin in that human nature. This was so that the Law’s requirements might be fully satisfied in us as we direct our lives not by our natural inclinations but by the Spirit” (Rom 8:3-4)


C) Comment:

Bergoglio blasphemes. When Bergoglio speaks of the Mystery of the Cross, the spirit that is him is unleashed and blasphemes. Several times before, Bergoglio in this regard has stated: The Cross of Jesus expresses all the negative force of evil, the Cross is a scandal, the Way of the Cross is the story of the failure of God, Jesus made himself like a snake, ugly to make sick, Christ crucified on the hammer and sickle is protest art, the madness of the Cross that is the annihilation of the Son of God.

To err is human; to persist in error is diabolical.

The doggedness of Bergoglio is diabolical toward Jesus crucified.

Bergoglio is stubborn in comparing Jesus to a serpent and sin, in a crescendo of insults and real blasphemies against Christ and His Cross, that is unprecedented in the history of Christianity.

The teaching of St. Paul is overturned and so his words. Bergoglio makes use of the words of St. Paul, reporting them in a distorted and not true manner, in order to denigrate Jesus and the Mystery of the Cross. Bergoglio insinuated “Jesus, when he complains, blasphemes? The mystery is this“.

Now Bergoglio adds: “May the Lord give us the grace to understand a little more of this mystery“. The real mystery, made manifest, is that the spirit that is in Bergoglio does not recognize Jesus, the Son of God. Differently Bergoglio could not say that Jesus is “a tortured man, died, that is God”, “emptied of His divinity”, “dirtied, made sin“.

Who recognizes Jesus, the Son of God that with His Holy Cross has redeemed the world, cannot say, as Bergoglio does, that “the Crucifix is ​​the mystery of the “annihilation” of God. Saying this, is blaspheming God!

Who loves Jesus and who recognizes Jesus as the Son of God, could never have describe Jesus with those aforesaid words, that cause deep sorrow in the hearts of all who love Jesus above everything.

Who is disrespectful to who? Bergoglio is disrespectful to Christ! Not the Christians, that want to remain authentic, disrespectful to Bergoglio, when they denouncing his heresies and his blasphemies!

Bergoglio’s words are shameful and manifest the nature of the spirit that distinguishes him. An anti‑Christic spirit, a spirit that blasphemes Christ and His saving Sacrifice of the Cross.