All he can do is cry


A)  The text of the speech by J.M.Bergoglio:

The Pope has focused instead on the mystery of the suffering of children. «There are no explanations: it is a mystery … I think of Our Lady when they gave her the dead body of her Son, wounded, bloodstained… Our Lady caressed him. Even Our Lady did not understand» said Francis. And then, he invited these parents to not be afraid to ask, “to challenge the Lord saying: why?»” (Meeting with a group of gravely ill children and their families – Chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae – Friday, 29 May 2015)

Why do children suffer? Pope Francis during the meeting with young people at the Sports Field of the Santo Tomas University in Manila, during the pastoral visit to the Philippines, improvising a speech without following the one he had prepared, that he gave as was read, explained that only «when our hearts can ask this question and weep, we can begin to understand».
We must not confuse the worldly form to feel pity with true compassion, warned the Pontiff: in fact «there is a worldly compassion which is completely useless! A compassion which, at most, makes us put our hand into our pocket and take out a coin. If Christ had that kind of compassion, he would have cured three or four people, and then returned to the Father. Only when Christ wept, and he was capable of weeping, he understood our troubles»” (Meeting with the young people – Sports field of Santo Tomás University, Manila – Sunday, 18 January 2015)

«My dear Pope Francis, if you could work a miracle, what would it be?» asked William (USA, 7 years). «Dear William, I would heal children. I cannot even understand why children suffer. For me it is a mystery. I haven’t got an answer. I wonder about this. I pray on this question: why do children suffer? My heart is asking this question. Jesus wept and crying has understood our troubles. I try to understand. If I could do a miracle, I would heal all children. Your drawing makes me think: there is a large dark cross and behind there is a rainbow and the sun shining. I like this. My answer to the children’s pain is silence, or a word that comes out from my tears. I’m not afraid to cry. So don’t be afraid yourself»” (Interview Book” Love before the world”, Ed.Rizzoli, February 2016)


B) References to Scriptures:

But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Luk 18:16)

The merit in the sight of God is in putting up with it patiently when you are punished for doing your duty. This, in fact, is what you were called to do, because Christ suffered for you and left an example for you to follow in his steps” (1Pe 2:20-21)

But anyone who is the downfall of one of these little ones who have faith in me would be better drowned in the depths of the sea with a great millstone round his neck” (Mat 18:6)


C) Comment:

Bergoglio bearer of hope? Of course not! In front of pain, Bergoglio said that his answer “is silence, or a word that comes from my tears“. So all he can do is cry.

Christ, risen, gives us the certainty that all pain and every suffering will not be in vain. In the “economy” of God, the Christian offers his own pain and his own suffering for co-participating the Project of salvation of the Father that in the Cross of Christ is fulfilled and is realized.

In the salvific plan of God, even the martyrdom of innocent children is co-participating in the blood poured by Christ for the laver of the sinful humanity. The innocents purify the world with their salvific sacrifice.

Bergoglio with his teaching cancels the value of suffering.

Bergoglio disowns the value of pain offered for Love. Even small innocent martyrs, in a conscious or not conscious manner, co-participate even more to the sacrifice of Christ, the LAMB who sacrificed himself for Love, the INNOCENT par excellence.

Bergoglio frustrates the authentic Christian teachings and in front of pain invites to cry, without giving any value and no explanation to suffering offered for Love. Jesus gave Himself for love of the Father and of His salvific Project. Jesus suffered to save humanity. Without His suffering offered for Love, mankind would have been cast down.

Martyrs are those who have joined the saving sacrifice of Jesus. With their conscious offering (or unconscious in the case of small innocent souls) the martyrs co-participate the Mystery of Redemption and Salvation of humanity. For the world, the suffering of the innocent is incomprehensible and unacceptable. But for Christ and for God’s children, suffering offered for love is a holy and precious gift to be offered to the Father for the salvation of humanity.

The Madonna did not understand” said Bergoglio. “You should not be afraid to challenge the Lord” always says Bergoglio. Bergoglio is aware of the seriousness of his claims against Madonna and against the Lord.

Bergoglio says heresy and blasphemes Christ and Mary, however, using the divine mercy to deceive the good faith of the people. Really, because of this, all he can do is cry. Bergoglio will not find the divine mercy but he will inevitably be expected and welcomed by the merciful justice of God the Father Almighty.